In fact you cant say it's sweet cos it's sour indeed. Either you cant say it's sour with lots of sugar evenly coat it.
Sometimes it's sour
then i think life is sore
Sometimes it's sweet
too much will give me a beat
Truly i need it two
My life wants it too
Sweet wouldn't dare to beat
And sour wouldn't be that sore
Let them both meet
Have them enrich me more
hai mbak, salam kenal...namaku echa... foto2 nya oke bgt mbakk... secara aq emng ska fotography... resepnya jg oke,bole bagi y mbak...
ReplyDeleteeniwey, mw komen pusi di atas ni.. (puisi bkn si mbak? :D)baguuss bgt... boleh yah aq minta bwt koleksi pribadi... ehhehe... makasih banyak ^^
halo mba echa, makasih ya ud amampir :) iyah puisi kali yah hihihihi.... silakan mbak kalu mo ngopi, kalo dipajang di web tak lupa dicantumin sourcenya ya :)